Welcome to the diocesan convention hub where you will find information related to the 53rd Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast.
February 23-24, 2024 | St. Paul's Episcopal Church | 28788 N Main St, Daphne, AL
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Registration - CLOSED
Voting Clergy and Lay, Youth, and Alternate Delegates - Closed January 23
All other attendees - Closed February 7
Initial Convention Information Packet
Number of Lay Delegates Per Congregation
Convention Study Materials
The packet of convention study materials includes the following:
Election of Lay and Youth Delegates
If you are interested in being a lay delegate at the convention, speak with your clergy or senior warden. By diocesan canons, all delegates are required to be elected no later than 60 days prior to the first day of the convention (December 24, 2023).
In accordance with Canon 3, Section 4g, each convocation shall elect one youth delegate and alternate for the convention. Any youth interested should contact their convocational dean or the diocesan missioner for youth, Meghan Johnson at meghan@diocgc.org. The youth delegate's home church should register the youth.
Each delegate will need to bring a smartphone or other device with web access to the convention in order to connect to the online voting platform used for quorum verification and elections.
Churches are responsible for making hotel accommodations for their delegations as needed. All other attendees are responsible for making their own accommodations as needed.
Pre-Convention Meeting - link to recording
Tuesday, February 6, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. CT on Zoom.
The Pre-Convention Meeting will be held by Zoom on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. During the meeting Bishop Russell and various presenters will discuss matters related to the upcoming convention such as what to expect, budget, and elections.
Convention Schedule - subject to minor adjustments
Friday, February 23: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
(includes social time after convention business has been completed)
Saturday, February 24: 8:30 a.m. to noon
(includes Holy Eucharist after convention business has been completed)
Youth Lock-in - click here for details and registration
Friday, February 23, 7 p.m. to Saturday, February 24, Noon
About Our Keynote Guests
Our keynote guests will be Dr. Lisa Kimball and the Rev. Tricia Lyons. Dr. Kimball is the Vice President for Lifelong Learning and the James Maxwell Professor Chair of Lifelong Christian Formation at Virginia Theological Seminary. Click here to read Dr. Kimball's bio. Dr. Lyons is an affiliated faculty member and the Senior Advisor to the Dean for Evangelism Initiatives at Virginia Theological Seminary. Click here to read Dr. Lyons's bio.
Resolutions to Amend Canons - CLOSED
The canonical deadline for submitting resolutions to amend diocesan canons has passed.
General Resolutions - CLOSED
Standing Committee Nominations - CLOSED
Each year we elect a new class of members (one clergy, three lay) to serve for a three-year term on the Standing committee. Voting clergy and lay and youth delegates may make nominations now through January 23, 2024. The bishop nominates one clergy and one lay.
Learn more about the Standing Committee
Episcopal-related organizations and church missions and ministries are invited to be exhibitors at the convention. Space must be reserved in advance and coordinated through Rev. Lydia Johnson at lydia@diocgc.org. Exhibitors will also need to be registered using the registration link above. Exhibit space is subject to diocesan approval.
Available exhibit space offered: TBD
*If you are a registered delegate and wish to have exhibit space for your ministry, you do not have to register as an exhibitor as well. However, you must coordinate exhibit space through Rev. Lydia Johnson at lydia@diocgc.org.
Clergy Spouse Luncheon
All clergy spouses are invited to attend the Clergy Spouse Luncheon given by Robin Kendrick on Saturday February 24, from 9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. at East Shore Cafe (1506 Main St, Daphne). Transportation to and from St. Paul's will be provided from the church or meet at the cafe. RSVP by February 14 to mary@diocgc.org or 850.434.7337.
Special Note for Clergy Spouses: The St. Paul's Library will be reserved just for you as a Clergy Spouse Lounge throughout the convention. Please feel free to stop in any time to relax and enjoy.