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The 52nd Annual Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast will be March 3-4, 2023, to be held at the University of West Florida Conference Center (11000 University Pkwy, Pensacola) and hosted by Holy Trinity Pensacola, St. Cyprian's Pensacola and St. Monica's Cantonment

Welcome to the 52nd Annual Diocesan Convention!





Online via Zoom - Delegates were emailed links to join and other important details on February 16. 

Our Thursday, February 17, business session is being held on Zoom and is open to clergy, lay, youth and alternate delegates. It will be recorded for later viewing. We will be moving quickly through diocesan business during the meeting so that we will have very little remaining business to wrap up on Friday, allowing for more time for engagement, visiting the exhibit hall, attending workshops, listening to dynamic keynote speakers and enjoying catching up with our friends whom we’ve not seen for a time!


Bishop Russell’s Convention Address will be recorded and posted on the diocesan website for viewing after Thursday evening.


Destin-Fort Walton Beach Convention Center, 1250 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL


Registration check-in will begin at 8am. Pre-registered attendees will receive a goodie bag, name badge, convention booklet, lunch and two beverage tickets for the evening event. Our Exhibit Hall will be open all day, so be sure to see all the wonderful tables showcasing ministry happening throughout the diocese. Before lunch, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be our keynote speaker, then we have a tremendous selection of WORKSHOPS for you to attend. Each attendee will be able to attend two!  Stick around after the workshops for Social Time!


All are welcome to attend; however, we are unable to provide lunch for anyone that did not pre-register. We do have a waitlist for lunches if you know of anyone that would like a lunch but did not pre-register.


The Presiding Bishop’s keynote presentation will be recorded and posted for later viewing.



Destin-Fort Walton Beach Convention Center, 1250 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL


Our Exhibit Hall will be open again, so be sure to visit any tables that you missed on Friday. Our keynote speaker on this day will be the incredible Dr. Bertice Berry! We will have a bit of time for sharing and conversation then close our convention with a very special service with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry as the preacher and celebrant. St. Simon’s has really planned a beautiful service for us! The closing service will be livestreamed on our YouTube Channel beginning at 10:45am.


All are welcome to attend the Closing Worship Service – so feel free to invite a friend. Tell them to come early to hear Dr. Bertice Berry or to wander through the Exhibit Hall!


A few OTHER notes


  • Masks: All attendees are required to wear a mask, and vaccinations are encouraged.


  • Eventbrite: Please disregard any convention details sent through Eventbrite. 


  • Convention Study Materials: If you are interested in reviewing the study materials they are provided below.


  • Waitlist: If you find that you will no longer be able to attend, please let us know by replying to this email. We have a small waitlist.

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