The Ministry of the Laity
By virtue of our baptism, we are all Christian ministers. The Holy Spirit authorizes and empowers every baptized person to carry on various ministries for the good of and on behalf of the congregation. For some, this means being called to ordained ministry. For most of us, this means we become actively involved in lay ministry or ministries. Moreover, there is a corporate reason for a greater focus on the formation and development of lay liturgical ministry. The lack of clergy in rural smaller congregations gives us the opportunity to look creatively, carefully and confidently at the way worship is conducted. In some cases, under the shepherding of clergy, licensed ministers may extend the ministry of Word and Sacrament to their congregations.
Our diocesan School for Ministry Lay Program offers canonical training and certification in four areas: worship leader, preacher, pastoral care leader and evangelist.
Program Year
If you have felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit or would like to “seek out” more in the exercise of your Baptismal call and covenant, please take a look at what our Lay School has to offer. We begin in September and will meet one Saturday a month until June of the following year. The cost per course is $300.
If you are interested in the School, reach out to your rector or priest-in-charge and your vestry. We are offering canonical certification in the following areas: Worship Leader, Preacher, Pastoral Care Leader, Catechist, and Evangelist.
For more information, please contact Dean Joy Blaylock:
Learn More About the Lay School
Over the summer, various churches hosted presentations highlighting the Lay School and its offerings. Watch the recording below.