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All Saints, Mobile, seeks Principal Parish Musician


All Saints, Mobile, is seeking a Principal Parish Musician (organist/choirmaster).

This position requires a bachelor’s degree in music, experience in the Episcopal Church, exceptional ability, and mastery of the organ. The principal musician will work closely with the rector, but have autonomy to flourish creatively. All Saints sings hymns and anthems ancient, traditional, and modern. The parish has a youth choir taught according to the rigor of the Royal School of Church Music.

This position is three-quarter time (30 hours per week). The salary is $42,000 per year with full benefits (medical insurance, pension, and four weeks paid vacation). There is a separate budget line item for purchase of music and supplies, paid vocalists, and continuing education. Send a cover letter and resumé to the Rev. Jim Flowers, Rector:

Discipleship. Development. Discernment.
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