I am pleased to announce that the UTO missioner, the Rev. Heather Melton, and the UTO young adult intern, Rachel McDaniel, will be visiting our diocese during convention February 23-25. One of the many jobs that Heather does for UTO is to visit dioceses and grant sites. It is an honor to have them visit us and I know that you will all make them feel welcome. I would also like to announce that Sarah McCarren will be taking over as the UTO diocesan coordinator this year. She attends St. Francis of Assisi in Gulf Breeze and is excited to take on this important job. I will continue to be available for questions or concerns as I have accepted a second term on the UTO board beginning in 2018.
Please come by the UTO display during convention and meet Heather, Rachel and Sarah. There will be supplies available to take home and we are all available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. If your church does not have a coordinator, consider taking on this important job. It is so easy to do. The supplies are free and available at http://episcopalmarketplace.org/. Remember that 100% of all ingathering money goes towards funding grants. Be sure to send in your ingathering funds to the diocesan office so that your congregation can receive credit for your efforts.
If you are interested in writing a grant, you can find the application forms as well as helpful hints and any other information you may need at the UTO website: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/united-thank-offering. UTO is having several webinars to answer any questions you may have or you can email me at mailto:jlanderscgc@gmail.com or Heather Melton at mailto:hmelton@episcopalchurch.org.
Many blessings and remember to drop a coin in your blue box,
Joyce Landers
UTO board