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Holy Cross opens food pantry

Chip Lands, Holy Cross, Pensacola

After prayerful consideration of the needs of its surrounding community, the parishioners of Holy Cross recently opened a weekly food pantry to provide staple items and more to those who live nearby. The long-term vision will also include education, advocacy and increasing awareness of issues concerning those in poverty in our area. Mrs. Howard Johnson, head of this new ministry, said of the inaugural effort of August 2nd, “We supplied food to over twenty-five families, serving approximately eighty hungry souls. It surpassed my expectations, since our advertising had just begun. It made me realize that I might have to adjust our account with Feeding the Gulf Coast - the agency we work with to obtain food less expensively. Of course, I have to mention that our generous parish provides many of the items we stock.” Holy Cross is thrilled with all that God is doing in their midst, and they are especially grateful to God for this new ministry which is enabling them to better connect with and love the people living in its community.


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