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Thoughts from Eugene Johnston

Random thoughts about General Convention:

We are into our first full day of General Convention and several things have occurred to me:

  • How friendly everyone is and introduces themselves and their diocese … I for one am not accustomed to being around so many Episcopalians, I suspect everyone else is the same way.

  • The worship services, so far, have been tremendous with the Presiding Bishop Curry doing the preaching. If you have never heard him, you are in for a treat!

  • It would be nice to be in two places at once. Between being in the House of Deputies and Legislative Committee Meetings and Hearings, it is impossible to take everything in.

  • This is pretty much a paperless convention. Bishops, deputies and alternates are given an iPad. All the information about legislation, schedules and elections is in one place.

  • On the first day I walked five and a half miles … the Austin Convention Center is huge.

  • When I get lost there is always someone to assist.

  • Finally, but most important, I have always loved being an Episcopalian and it is an honor and privilege to be part of the delegation from the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast.


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