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29 Days Until - Countdown to Jubilee


FOR TODAY The following question and response come from “An Outline of the Faith” or commonly called Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer, page 853: Q. What is the mission of the Church? A. The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. No one expected 2020. Our country has been driven apart by a virus, ravaged by storms and fires, divided by protests and riots, and ripped asunder by the demands of an election. All of this has affected us.  Our hearts are heavy, our minds are confused, our souls are weary, and our society has been fractured. WIFI connections have disconnected us and left us in isolated pods. And yet, amid the chaos sounds our mission "to restore all people to unity with God and each other.” Such work involves all that we are and work is needed at all levels - within ourselves, with our neighbors, with our communities, with our world. At first our mission may seem daunting, even ludicrous, but such foolishness has always been the way of the cross. It is the way of mercy. It is the way of Jesus. So this week, we will turn our faces and tune our souls to the work of restoration. Our catechism goes on to ask two more questions about the mission of restoration: Q. How does the Church pursue its mission? A. The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love. Q. Through whom does the Church carry out its mission? A. The church carries out its mission through the ministry of all its members. FOR FURTHER REFLECTION Why do you think the authors of our prayer book defined the church’s mission this way? What are the aspects of your life [and all that means] in need of restoration?



This fourth week focuses on the word restore. No one expected 2020. Our country has been driven apart by a virus, ravaged by storms and fires, divided by protests and riots, and ripped asunder by the demands of an election. All of this has affected us.  Our hearts are heavy, our minds are confused, our souls are weary, and our society has been fractured. WIFI connections have disconnected us and left us in isolated pods. And yet, amid the chaos sounds our mission "to restore all people to unity with God and each other.” Our catechism goes on to ask two more questions about the mission of restoration. Find all previous daily devotionals here


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