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Brotherhood of St. Andrew makes contribution to Prison Ministry


On June 30, Dick Hooper, director of the Christ Church Brotherhood of St. Andrew Chapter, presented a check to the Rt. Rev. Russell Kendrick, bishop of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast and Deacon John Kendall, chair of the diocesan Commission on Prison Ministry and long-time Brotherhood member.

This particular contribution will be earmarked for the purchase of debit cards to be given as Christmas gifts to children of incarcerated people. Deacon John stated: “we want to invite other parishes in the diocese to contribute so we can reach as many needy children as possible and fulfill Christ’s promise: ‘when you do this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you do it to me.’ ” Matthew 25: 34-37

In February and March, the Brothers prepared chili “to go” for parishioners attending coffee hour and dedicated the profits to the fund. Special kudos are given to Brother John Matthews, the master chef and supervisor for the chili fest.

Deacon John began his ministry as a staff member of Kairos and now hosts a weekly group of inmates for Bible study and reflection at Blackwater Prison. It is largely through his tireless effort that the Diocese has begun this new outreach.

Dick Hooper stated: “our chapter will continue to support this ministry with ongoing fundraisers and other efforts which our Brother John needs.”

If you would like to make a contribution to this particular fund, send a check to the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, PO Box 13330, Pensacola, FL 32591-3330. Add Prison Ministry - Christmas gift card to the memo line.


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