As we have mentioned previously, our Diocese has been chosen to participate in this new program that aims at raising up lay preachers with a very solid foundation for preaching the Gospel in effective and inspiring ways.
We are on the lookout for five to seven people from our Diocese who may feel called to commit to this special program which will begin in January of 2022 and go through 2023. We will gather monthly and students will have designated readings and assignments in between our gatherings.
We do not have a specific program syllabus yet, but the Rev. Lydia Johnson and I will begin our training as homiletics instructors at the end of September this year at Kanuga Retreat Center.
We invite you to consider those in your parish who may be called to this special ministry and have the time to commit to the study and formation that will go hand in hand in this process.
I look forward to this new offering in our Diocese and pray that the Holy Spirit will stir hearts to come forward and join this new venture. Thank you for your support and trust in our mission as we expand the School and launch this very special opportunity in our Diocese.
If you have any ideas, inspiration or feel the tug of the Holy Spirit, please talk to your rector or priest-in-charge. If you need further clarification, please reach out to me or Bishop Russell.
Rev. Joy Blaylock, Ph.D
Dean, DCGC School for Ministry